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because of self-satisfaction in knowing that you helped someone

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Q: Why does a person decide to become a general surgeon?
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A doctor (general Practitioner), a surgeon, or an reconstructive plastic surgeon

What education must a person complete to become a surgeon specializing in breast lifts?

For a person to become a surgeon one must obtain a bachelors degree and then apply to medical school. Through medical school one specializes in a specialty. To be a surgeon more specialty training to required post medical school.

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4 years

Why would a person want to become a heart surgeon?

becuase it is a ride to a scary an ddangerous challegne. it is how sometimes you meet people. TRUST ME IT FUN TO BE A HEART SURGEON

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Who was the first person from Africa to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations?

Can a person with rotator cuff surgery lift 50lbs?

That depends upon the type of surgery, duration after the surgery, your body structure. Let your surgeon decide it. It should be possible in most of the adult males, after the surgeon has permitted him to do so.

Did Joan of Arc become a general?

Joan of Arc did become a general in 1429. She is one of the most famous generals because she is the youngest person in history to become a general (age 17).

What is a person who does surgery?

a surgeon

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by having etiquette

What is A person who performs operations in hospital?

The person is a surgeon.

The person who has had amputation is known as?

A person who does amputaions is a surgeon.