In Need of Medical Attention was created in 1999.
Anyone that is allergic to bee venom will need immediate medical attention if they are stung by a bee. People that notice symptoms such as difficulty breathing, large amounts of swelling, nausea, or other such symptoms will need to seek immediate medical attention when they are stung by a bee.
Yes, you can call 911 if your dog is dying and in need of immediate medical attention.
Because people will always need medical attention. Even though how healthy we try to get, at some point in our lives, we will need medical experts to help us. To give us comfort. To treat our diseases.
They want to know if you were harmed in any way, and if you need medical attention. They say it because they care about you.
An additional 10,000 people seek medical attention after exposure to CO.
A G.P can use science in many ways but a few of them are that the can give medication to people that need medical attention
For Benzene exposure, the medical attention you would need is to go a hospital immediately. At the moment, there is no antidote for Benzene exposure.
I need medical attention
you have a serious problem u need medical attention
no but keep an eye on it