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Well, they check breathing, circulation, blood pressure etc. right? This is so that if you have any issues that you may not consider or think about they can detect them before it becomes an issue. Say that you breath fine, don't smoke do drugs any of that but sometime you start coughing or when you exercise you may wheeze and have troubles breathing. A doctor can check if you have issues breathing by getting you to take tests and some doctors will get you to do minimal exercises and test breathing rates before and after, if the difference is alarming, it is likely that the patient has Asthma. Then the doctor can prescribe an inhaler, and this will help the patient. If they had not been checked out with tests, and the doctor just said you look fine, go home, that would just be useless. They do all the checks and insure that a patient is in good health all over rather than just "looking" fine on the outside, there may be a major problem on the inside.

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Q: Why do doctors perform many tests rather than one on a patient?
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