They learn: about the world their in, what they can do, new skills, How to socialize, How to make friends, How to chose their enimeis .
It depends on the type of animal. A snake does not need to socialize whereas guinea pigs needs to socialize.
the overtones
As a parent to a child: "Why do you feel the need to socialize with those kids! They're a bad influence!"
ou gotta pop sometimes eh!
Peer groups help to socialize children by providing models for behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. However, they typically do not provide models for academic achievement or cognitive development.
through hanging out with eathother and playing
To encourage your toddler to play with other children, you can organize playdates with other kids, enroll them in group activities or classes, model social interactions, and praise and reward them for playing with others. It's important to be patient and provide gentle guidance as they learn to socialize and make friends.
They study and play sports and socialize like in any other school. What did you think?
the need company of other people so that they can socialize and be comfortable to do work.
They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.They used the public baths to socialize and bathe.
the family is a "family of procreation", the goal of which is to produce, enculturate and socialize children. However, producing children is not the only function of the family