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Because Bones are more DENSE than Soft tissues/Flesh&they BLOCK X-Rays,while Soft tissues block minimal X-Rays-So,Bony Structures are seen as shadows on Plain Films,while Soft tissues are Unclear.

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Q: Why do bones show up on x rays and not skin?
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Bones. If they have cracks in their bones, then the cracks will show up on an X-ray.

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No it will not. In x-rays your looking for fractures and broken bones. Hope that helps. Karlie

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The frill of a triceratops are made from skin and bones, and the colors on the frill is the skin and what puffs it up is the bones.

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It is made up of muscle, bones and skin.

Do dentist x-rays penetrate the brain and is it harmful?

High Energy photons (or light), will penetrate the brain, but the brain tissue won't absorb any of the energy. Or at least a negligible amount. The bones show up white as no x-rays pass out of them to expose the film behind you. The brain, and other parts of the body show up as black as that is where the film has been exposed.

What part of your body shows up on x-ray?

Bones show up the most sharply.

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Sharks and rays are examples of fish that do not have bones. Instead, their skeleton is made up of cartilage. This feature makes them more flexible and agile in the water.

3 materials to make up your foot?

Bones, Skin, and muscle