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I'm already regretting it. Yipes! Nurses get dumped on way too much. We have all the responsibility and none of the glory. Why should you become a nurse? Here are some good reasons:

1. You're smart competant and you like medicine and know that you can move through the educational system to the top of the nursing system.

2. You love helping people and pay doesn't matter to you. (Think about this carefully and honestly mother teressa).

3. You're a sychophant, and you can slide your way up a social ladder like a snake up a tree. You can also be a bully if you see the opportunity and don't think you'll ruin you're rep.

These are the only types of people you will find in nursing. Warning #3 tries to look like #1 to get advancement, be careful, anddon't anger #2 cuz when he's nice he's nice but when he's mean, he's mean.

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11y ago

actually a nurse's care is responsible for a patient's recovery than doctor's prescription

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You would want to choose a Medical Malpractice Policy from the company of your choice.

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well it is the same weirdos

What training education is required for a neonatal nurse?

Neonatal nurses are required to be licensed as a registered nurse, which, depending upon the program you choose, can take two to four years. After obtaining this license and gaining some practical experience in a neonatal intensive care unit (the National Association of Neonatal Nurses recommends two years), you may choose to return to school and obtain a degree as a neonatal nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.

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It doesn't matter what GCSEs you choose. Take nursing at A level or at university.

In a visit of charity how does the nurse choose the room where she places Marian?

She hears the sound of a woman cough inside the room

Do nurses get paid monthly or weekly?

Depends on what type of nurse, where they work, who they work for and what they agree on. A private nurse for example may opt to get paid monthly, an assisted living facility nurse will get paid weekly because she may not stay in the same facility for a week at a time. A home care nurse may choose weekly or monthy. A nurse that works in a hospital, gets paid weekly.

Would it be possibilty for someone to find a nurse costume to wear?

You can purchase nurse costume at or There you can read reviews, choose from various buyers and sellers, and return your product if you ever have any problems.

In A Visit of Charity what does the nurse hear that makes her choose that specific room for Marian to enter?

she hears the sound of a cough.