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it was james lister who did

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13y ago

to prevent the paitent from catching a infection therefore making their chances of surving the operation higher.

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Q: Why did Joseph lister use carbolic acid?
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First to use antiseptic?

antiseptic was invented in 1847 by James Simpson

When was the first disinfectant invented?

The first disinfectant is believed to have been invented in the 19th century by British surgeon Joseph Lister. Lister introduced the use of carbolic acid (phenol) as a disinfectant to reduce the risk of infections during surgery.

Who developed surgical techniques to prevent the entry of microorganisms into wounds?

Joseph Lister, a British surgeon, developed antiseptic surgical techniques in the 19th century to prevent the entry of microorganisms into wounds. He introduced the use of carbolic acid as a disinfectant during surgery, reducing the risk of infection and greatly improving surgical outcomes.

Who discovered antiseptic?

English surgeon Joseph Lister is credited with discovering antiseptic principles in the mid-19th century. He pioneered the use of carbolic acid (phenol) to sterilize surgical instruments and clean wounds, leading to a significant reduction in post-operative infections.

Who invented the carbolic spray?

Carbolic spray was invented by Lister, a British surgeon, in the 19th century. He used it as an antiseptic during surgeries to prevent infections.

Who discovered the antiseptic?

Joseph Lister is credited with discovering the antiseptic method in the 19th century. He promoted the use of carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instruments and clean wounds, leading to significant reductions in post-operative infections.

Which individuals pioneered the use of chemicals to reduce the incidence of infections during surgery?

Joseph Lister, a British surgeon, pioneered the use of antiseptic techniques in surgery in the 19th century. He introduced carbolic acid (phenol) as a disinfectant to reduce the risk of post-operative infections. Lister's contributions led to significant advancements in surgical practices and greatly improved patient outcomes.

What did Joseph Lister use sterile surgery for?

Type your answer here...He had researched gangrene and infection, Lister had seen carbolic spray used to treat sewage, after experiments he found that a thin mist of carbolic acid sprayed over the wound during surgery limited infection. By following this with careful bandaging the wound would heal without any gangrene or infection.

Who introduced the use of sterilized instruments antiseptic dressings and disinfectant spray in operating rooms?

Joseph Lister

How did Joesph Lister improve the survival rate of his patients?

Lister did not "invent" carbolic acid, but simply showed that using it prior to and during surgery could greatly reduce the rate of infection. Although he was far from the first to advocate antiseptic cleaning of wounds, Lister's work made its use go from the periphery of medicine to the forefront.

What did Joseph Lister use to prevent infection?

The main thing Lister used was simple sanitation. Things like hand washing and clean clothes were a pretty radical idea, and Lister actually caught some flack over it. At the time, a bloody apron was a sign of experience in a surgeon. Things like bacteria were rather laughable. It was believed infections were caused by miasmas, and maggots spontaneously formed. Lister was also a forerunner in antiseptics. He used carbolic acid as a disinfectant, and developed other antibacterial solutions.

How did Joseph Lister apply in Louis Pasteur's findings?

GRAWH! MOO! Please do ignore the idiotic first answer. There wasn't really much of a relationship between Pasteur and Lister since they were in different countries and all that, but Lister did use Pasteur's work to help him with his whole antiseptic phenomena. Through reading Pasteur's work on finding 'germs' in his beetroot beer, and how 'germs' affect other things, Lister applied this to septicemia that was common after operations or any other kind of cut and it made sense. He then used carbolic acid when operating, spraying everything from the instruments used, to his own hands. Seriously, if you have nothing better to do but put idiotic comments on people's questions that they generally may need help with, just go away and get a job to fill your time IDIOT!