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Q: Why blood agar inoculated with throat specimen?
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What type of media is used for growing a culture from a throat specimen?

Blood agar or chocolate agar are commonly used to grow bacteria from a throat specimen. These types of agar provide nutrients and the necessary environment for bacterial growth.

The agar used most often for throat cultures is the?

Blood agar is the agar most often used for throat cultures. It contains nutrients for bacterial growth and sheep's blood, which allows for the detection of hemolysis patterns that can help identify certain pathogens.

Why is urine specimen is inoculated on cled?

Urine specimens are inoculated on CLED (cysteine lactose electrolyte deficient) agar because this medium supports the growth of most urinary pathogens while inhibiting the growth of normal urinary flora. It allows for the differentiation of different bacterial species based on colony characteristics and lactose fermentation. CLED agar is also able to identify the presence of UTI-causing organisms such as E. coli, Proteus, and Enterococcus.

What is the name of the streak when you apply specimen to agar plate?

The process of applying a specimen to an agar plate to grow colonies is known as streaking. This technique involves using an inoculating loop to spread the specimen across the surface of the agar in a pattern that promotes the isolation of individual colonies for further study.

Why is it necessary to place the inoculated molten agar cultures in an ice water bath for rapid solidification?

Placing the inoculated molten agar cultures in an ice water bath helps in rapid solidification by quickly lowering the temperature of the agar. This is important to prevent the growth of unwanted microbes that may be present in the environment during the cooling process. Rapid solidification also helps to ensure that the agar solidifies evenly, allowing for proper growth of the desired microbial cultures.

What is a Sheep blood agar plate?

A petri dish filled with a nutrient gel containing red blood cells that is used to detect the presence of streptococcal bacteria in a throat culture

When bacteria from a throat swab are streaked on blood agar why is the agar stabbed several times with the loop?

Stabbing the blood agar with the loop helps to introduce the bacteria deeper into the agar to create anaerobic conditions for certain pathogenic bacteria to grow. This method helps to differentiate between different types of bacteria based on their growth patterns.

Why did you stab the peptone iron agar instead of inoculating only the surface?

Because the peptone iron agar is used to detect ANAEROBIC bacteria. If you stab it deep into the agar you allow the bacteria to grow in the absence of oxygen. If you only inoculated the surface the bacteria wouldn't grow.

Why must the tubes be inoculated before agar is poured?

Inoculating the tubes with the desired microorganism before pouring agar ensures even distribution of the microorganism in the agar, promoting growth and forming distinct colonies. This step is crucial for obtaining pure cultures and preventing contamination.

Why is MacConkey inoculated with a urine specimen?

MacConkey agar is selective for Gram-negative bacteria and can differentiate lactose fermenters from non-fermenters based on color change. Urine samples typically contain a mixture of bacteria, including potential pathogens that might be inhibited on other media. Inoculating MacConkey agar allows for the isolation and identification of Gram-negative bacteria, particularly Enterobacteriaceae, which are common urinary tract pathogens.

Does Chromobacterium violaceum pit blood agar?

No it does not pit blood agar I am curently studying Chromobcaterium violaceum and recently grew it on a sheep blood agar it did not pit it. Cv turned the agar a brown color.

Prewarm agar plates?

To prewarm agar plates, simply place them in a 37°C incubator for about 30 minutes before use. This ensures that the agar solidifies evenly and prevents condensation from forming on the plates when they are inoculated. Always handle prewarmed plates carefully to maintain sterility.