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Foot cramps can be a cause from excess strain on the feet or poor nutrition. Some of the following ways can decrease the amount of foot cramps you may receive.

  • Hydration - Water helps to circulate important vitamins in the body.
  • Potassium - High Potassium levels are good in helping the ease of foot and leg cramps. Low potassium may also cause fatigue.
  • Eating a balanced diet can also help increase the chances of not getting a foot cramp.

Hope all this helps!

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15y ago

i guess that you have been walking around too long and not giving your toes a chance to rest. or you have been sitting on your knees too long with your toes helping you balence. (thats my first guess)

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14y ago

Foot cramps have many causes. Some of the most common causes for foot cramps are: * Stress or fatigue in the foot - An overworked foot is often susceptible to foot cramps. * Poor circulation - Foot cramp is caused by lack of oxygen being carried to the foot. * Lack of potassium - This important mineral, found in salt, helps regulate body chemistry and keep you foot cramp free. * Dehydration - Lack of water in the muscles contribute to foot cramps. * Changing hormone levels - Foot cramps may occur while muscle tissue adjusts to these changes. * Pinched nerves - Caused when the electrical impulse from the brain cannot reach the muscle, this can cause foot cramps, numbness and other symptoms. * Alcohol or tobacco use - Since both lend to dehydration, poor circulation and toxicity, these are a triple threat for foot cramps. * Nutritional deficiency - A healthy diet, complete with all essential nutrients can keep muscles and nerves functioning normally. * Environmental toxicity - Certain "poisons" we encounter (via factories, contaminated water, etc.) may play a role in increased foot cramps. * Chemical sensitivity - Some prescriptions may change the conditions in the body and make foot cramps more likely.

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12y ago

Plantar fiaschiitis can cause it, this is when your calf muscle stretches up and down your entire leg, beneath your foot the thin sheet of calf muscle is tense, and needs to be stretched to relieve pain. This can be done by stretching your calfs, the pain can be caused by sitting/lying down or by physical activity

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10y ago

There are 2 main reasons you could be having foot cramps. You could be dehydrated or you are not exercising your feet enough.

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Q: Why are you having severe foot cramping?
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Noone can say for sure if a miscarraige will happen. If you are pregnant and experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. It's not good. Well, it may not be bad either. If you have a tipped uterus, as the uterus expands, you will get mild cramping and back pain. Having a miscarriage isn't slight cramping. It is like you are having a bad period. Your uterus is trying to expell the fetus. However, if you have bleeding, call the doctor. But you are going to have mild cramping little by little as your uterus starts to expand. If it because severe cramping with blood or so severe you can't take it, go to the ER or call a doctor.

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