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Robert Bartlett in the year 1678

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Q: Who was the first person to make medicine and when?
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Who was the first person to found medicine?


Who was the first person that invented medicine?

Sophie Bates

Why should you not give a person medicine during first aid?

I dono

What is a person called if they make medicine?

A Compounder A pharmacologist A pharmacist A chemist.

When did Robert Bartlett first make medicine?

in the year 1678

What is the average salary for a person practicing medicine?

The average salary for a person practicing medicine depends on their specialty. Doctors in primary care typically make on average $150,000 while specialists and surgeons can easily make $200,000+.

Are alternative systems of medicine all hocus pocus?

Conventional, alternative or complementary is as per see. A person who prefers, let's say homeopathic medicine, as a first line of treatment, conventional medicine is an complementary/alternative for him/her. Likewise a person who took conventional medicine as first line of treatment, other forms of treatment are complementary/alternative.

Who is the first male doctor of India?

First Graduate in Medicine: Surjo Kumar Chakraborty.Additionally, the first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine is Hargovind Khurana.

What are the positive and negative affects of using robots in medicine?

Robots do not make random errors. They make systemic errors. Thus, in dispensing medicine the robot will not give the medicine to the wrong person. However, the robot (if loaded incorrectly) will give the wrongly labeled medicine to everyone who needs the correct medicine.

Who was the first person to make a dictionary?

the first person to make a dictionary was george lopes

Who is the first person to make Jeans?

The first person to make jeans was jack loneragan

Medicine can make a person unconscious?

There are various ways to make a person senseless using medicine. This is done using sedatives or tranquillizers and is common during surgical procedures.