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This can be a tricky question especially so broad of a question. Regular plain film xrays....most anything in the head or face because more than likely the doctor will order a CT anyway. Unless you have been in a major accident and are having problems breathing refuse rib xrays. Reason #1 a regular chest xray (cxr) will show if somthing is wrong and #2 nothing can be done for broken ribs except for a bandage. Another xray to avoid is the tailbone xray....The doctor wont set it, you wont get a cast...YOu will get a doughnut and pain meds which is the same thing you would get if you didnt have the xray.

Another exam i never understood was a chest xray on a pregnant woman to check for tuburculosis. I personally believe all pegnant women should refuse xrays unless there is trauma but if they are checking for TB it really is pointless because if she has it she cant be treated for it until after she gives birth anyway so there is really no point.

If I were an inpatient I would refuse to having a daily cxr and opt for one every other day.

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