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He is. What he comes to the marriage with is his, including debt.

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Q: Who is liable for my husband's debt that he had before marriage?
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Are you liable for spouse federal tax debt incurred before marriage?

The law on this point is very clear , you are not liable for your husbands tax blunders made before the marriage, in fact even if he has taken a loan you need not pay for it also. You will come in the picture only when you are legally married to him.

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No. Your present spouse had no legal responsibility for you before you were married.

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Is a wife responsible for husbands debt created before marriage?

It depends on the state law. Generally, the answer is no. keeping accounts separate after marriage is a good idea. No. Debts incurred before marriage are the responsibility of the person who made the debt. A spouse can be affected by such debts, however, if he or she shares a joint bank account or are joint owners of real property.

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A creditor won a judgment against me and the estate of my marriage for a debt incurred prior to my marriage can my husband's wages be garnished to collect on this judgment?

If the husband was not liable for the debt, then his wages cannot be garnished to collect on the judgment. The judgment is against the person who incurred the debt.

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Is a wife responsible for debt made by her husband before marriage in the state of Florida?

No. A spouse is not responsible for their spouse's debts that were incurred prior to marriage. The only debt that can be shared post-marriage that was incurred pre-marriage would be debt on an account that you became a joint account holder on after marriage.

Can you be sued for your husbands debt from before you were married?

In general, you are not responsible for your spouse's debts that were incurred before you were married. However, there may be exceptions depending on the laws in your state and if you live in a community property state where joint assets could be at risk. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance on your situation.

Are you liable for debt cancelled in bankruptcy?

No you are not, If you deglared bankruptcy, that cancels your debt

My brother died in a car crash and has no estate I am the Executor or Administrator of an Estate because of legal case against driver The Hospital is asking for payment of debt am I liable for debt?

You are not personally liable for the debt. The estate is liable for the debt. If the law suit results in payment, it would have to be used to settle the debts.

If you marry a norwegian am you liable for his debt in Norway?
