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Q: Which type of anatomic structure are wisdom teeth?
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Wisdom teeth are what type of teeth?


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Give 3 different type's of teeth?

Inscissors, molars and wisdom.

Can you have your wisdom teeth pulled if you are anemic?

Yes you can have your wisdom teeth pulled if you are anemic. Depends on the severety of your anemia and/org what type of anemia you have but unless you have the problem of unstopable bleeding if you get a cut then there should be no problem.

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Is it normal to have fever blisters or cold sores and cankers sores after having wisdom teeth removed?

no your wisdom teeth has nothing to do with cold sores or fever blisters. Cold sores and fever blister are a type are herpes and it is from using other people lip stick.

What is alignment is anatomic?

Anatomic alignment is used to maintain the anatomic position of the joint lines. It is used because the alignment in the spines is crucial in maintaining a proper posture.

Choose the angle type that would be best for this situation a dentists chair forms what angle while he is extracting your wisdom teeth?


What muscle type allows anatomic movement of the extremities?

Skeletal (or striated) muscle

What type of of teeth are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars. Normally people have three permanent molars that develop in each quadrant of the mouth; upper, lower, right and left. The first molars usually grow into the mouth at around six years of age. The second molars grow in at around age 12. Visit

What type of splint uses the persons body to immobilize the injured area?

Anatomic Splint

Is it possible for patients with more serious case of tooth crowding and crooking to use Invisalign?

Wisdom teeth do not cause crowding and I can prove it. When I was in Dental School we did a study. We took one group of people that had impacted wisdom teeth and graded their front tooth crowding. We then took a second set of people that had normal wisdom teeth in full bite and graded their crowding. We took a third sample that had wisdom teeth removed at a young age (below 16 years) and graded their crowding. We took a forth sample of people congenitally missing all wisdom teeth and graded their crowding. Know what we found? Wisdom teeth had no bearing on crowding of teeth later in life. Those with no wisdom teeth at all had the same incidence of crowding as those with the most severely impacted wisdom teeth. We developed (or perhaps a better term is adopted) the mesial migration theory. The theory is that all human teeth that are not artificially locked into position will tend to move anteriorly (towards the front) throughout life. It is merely coincidence that teeth seem to get more crowded or begin to crowd around the same time as the eruption of wisdom teeth. Yes. Over the past 6 years since my wisdom teeth emerged, by front teeth, particularly on my top row, have overlapped. I have Invisalign now and the treatment duration is about 1 year, although the teeth will have the appearance of straightness in about 6 months. I have just started my Invisalign trays. My front teeth are somewhat crooked and I still have two wisdom teeth reamining. (upper right and lower right). I was convinced that my wisdom teeth would have to be removed before starting Invisalign, but that was not the case. From what I understand, Invisalign can handle a variety of cases and situations. It is definitely worth looking into as I thought I would have to have braces versus the Invisalign. I am 2 months into my Invisalign treatment and all 4 of my wisdom teeth are still impacted and have never caused me any trouble. My orthodontist did not see the need to have them taken out before my treatment. If they start to come through, I will have them out there and then, but not before. The extraction may be unnecessary and painful if they haven't been a concern. Wisdom teeth can stay dormant for may years and may never come through at all in some life times. My Mother had trouble for the first time at 57 years of age! It all depends on the crowding extent of the individual and how much movement there might be to aggravate the wisdom teeth. With the Invisalign treatment, selective teeth are slightly 'shaved' to create room to move, thus not pushing too many teeth back into the mouth. Yes, Invisalign braces will make your teeth straight, although they do not a perfect job under orthodontic rules compared to conventional braces. But your teeth will look much nicer and your crowding will be corrected. Your dentist will most likely recommend you to extract your wisdom teeth before using Invisalign if you are an adult.