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The respiratory structure that allows speech is the vocal cord which is located in the throat. Exhaled air that runs over the vocal cords is what will result into speech.

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Q: Which structure of the respiratory system is responsible for voice production?
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The glottis opens into the windpipe and is responsible for the production of sound. While the epiglottis is a cartilaginous flap on top of the glottis that prevents the food from entering the larynx. The main difference between glottis and epiglottis is their function and structure.

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The respiratory system is responsible for capturing oxygen from the atmosphere. This process occurs in the lungs where oxygen is taken up into the bloodstream and then transported to cells throughout the body for energy production.

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The respiratory system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment.

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The respiratory system provides the airflow needed for speech production. The larynx, located in the respiratory system, houses the vocal cords responsible for producing sound. The articulatory system, which includes the tongue, lips, and jaw, shapes this sound into speech.

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The circulatory system is responsible for circulating blood around your body.The respiratory system controls your respiration, or in other words, your breathing.

What do the organs do in the respiratory system?

The organs in the respiratory system are responsible for oxygenating the blood and for expelling built up carbon dioxide.

What are the functions of each organ of the respiratory system?

The organs in the respiratory system are responsible for you breathing. Please give me the 10 points!