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Q: Which has more sensory hand or mouth?
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What part of the brain are most sensory areas located?

Most sensory areas are located in the parietal lobe of the brain, which is involved in processing tactile sensations, spatial awareness, and integrating sensory information for perception. Other sensory areas are found in the occipital lobe for visual processing, the temporal lobe for auditory processing, and the frontal lobe for higher-order sensory integration.

Can sensory nerves send information from your brain to your hand?

No, sensory nerves carry information from sensory receptors in the skin, muscles, and organs to the brain. Motor nerves are responsible for conveying information from the brain to muscles, including those in the hand, directing movement.

What is the duration of From Hand to Mouth?

The duration of From Hand to Mouth is 1320.0 seconds.

Can you pass a oral mouth swab test by using hand sanitizer in your mouth?

No, and if you're being tested for ETG you can damage your case even more - there's alcohol in hand sanitizer.

When was From Hand to Mouth created?

From Hand to Mouth was created on 1919-12-28.

When was Hand to Mouth - album - created?

Hand to Mouth - album - was created in 1986.

Where is a dolphins sensory organs?

They are in the dolphins eyes, mouth, nose, ears, and its fins.

What does Deidara's name mean?

i did some research on that and sadly to say i didn't get much more than the meaning "prominate" figure or a mouth or a hand. it's kind of ironic since he has a mouth on his hand!!!!!!!

What are three examples of receptors that are connected to sensory nerves?

eyes, nose and mouth ears

Why the symptoms of hand foot mouth disease occur in hand foot and mouth?

you may find that animals will have blisters at the mouth and on the hooves

Sentence of To live from hand to mouth?

pak ali live from hand to mouth to stay alive