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Of the twelve regular meridians, the yin meridians always flow up the body, and all the yang meridians always flow down.

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Q: Which direction do Yin meridians flow?
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What direction do meridians go?

North South

What directions do meridians run?

Meridians join the Poles of the Earth and intersect the equator at right angles, thus the direction is North/South.

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In Oriental medicine, energy, known as Qi, flows through channels called meridians in the body. These meridians connect the body's organs and systems, helping to maintain balance and health. When Qi is blocked or disrupted, it can lead to illness or discomfort. Practices such as acupuncture and qigong aim to balance the flow of Qi in the body.

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To specific points located on the acupuncture meridians (channels of energy flow identified in Asian concepts of anatomy) in order to release blocked energy along these meridians that causes physical discomforts, and re-balance the energy flow.

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Which direction do meridans run?

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