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Many people have red or pink birthmarks on the back of their heads and/ or necks, and many newborns of Asian ancestry have blue or greyish "Mongolian marks" at the base of the spine or across the buttocks. Brown birthmarks frequently occur either on the torso or on the lower half of the body, especially on thighs and buttocks.

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Q: Where is the most common spot birthmarks are located?
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Can you not have a birthmark?

It is more common to not have one. Not true: Most people have some sort of mark on their bodies at birth, but most fade/ disappear totally in the early months/ years of life. Many people have faint pink birthmarks on their heads or back of the neck ("stork marks") which generally are covered by their hair, and are, therefore, not very noticeable. The majority of Asian babies (probably 70%+), and often those with some Asian ancestry, are born with blue or purple marks on the base of the spine or the buttocks (the so-called "Mongolian mark"), most of which fade/ disappear early in life... but not always. It is true that "classic" brown, black or red/ purple birthmarks are less common: many medical authorities estimate about 10% of most populations bear such marks. Finally, most people have at least 20 smaller marks ("moles") on their bodies, although most of these emerge later in life (often at puberty), and, therefore, are not technically "birthmarks". IMO, most people do have some sort of birthmark; many, however, either fade rapidly in early life or are not very visible. Also, many people are very self-conscious about their birthmarks, and spend huge amounts of time and energy covering them up.

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