There are two medical schools in the greater Denver area. A traditional M.D. can be obtained through the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora. A D.O. degree (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) can be obtained at Rocky Vista University in Parker, 20 miles southeast of Denver.
Some of the best medical schools for a interventional cardiologist are Yale School of Medicine.
Some online medical billing schools are accredited, some are not. is an example of an accredited online medical billing school.
According to some blogs, some of the top medical assistant schools are Kaplan, Ultimate Medical Academy, Keiser University Online, and Pen Foster Career School.
There are lots of medical assistant schools in the Philly area. Here is a link which will help you out in finding a good medical assistant school in Pennsylvania.
There are plenty of medical schools in the Caribbean, thought the quality and quantity of schools depend on where in the Caribbean you are going to be. For instance, some locations such as Barbados only have one school while Cuba has fourteen.
Some of the schools in Houston, Texas that offer Medical Sonography classes are: Harris Health System School of Diagnosic Medical, Houston Community College and Sanford-Brown.
There are four medical schools in the State of Florida. Following is a link which directs you to specific information about each school.
The "best" medical school is really a matter of opinion. Research different medical schools. Where do you want to go to school? Do you want to specialize? These are questions to ask yourself. Some medical school offer different specializations, some focus more on research while others focus more on clinicals. Also entrance requirements are a big factor. Some medical school focus more on MCAT scores, then GPA, other focus more on volunteer experience. Find a school you prefer and several alternatives. Most medical students apply to several schools to better their chances of getting accepted.
Some of the best schools to become are surgical test are schools that practice in Medical fields souly, such as a local school who has the best science fields.
Many websites provide comparative rankings and ratings information for medical schools and medical programs in the United States. Some of these include,, and various others.
There are many good medical transcriptionist schools in the US. Some of the best schools for medical transcriptionists include Kaplan University and Penn Foster.
There are currently no schools in Denver offering this specific program, although some offer related courses. Your best option is probably the program offered at Front Range Community College, which is in Westminster, a ten-mile drive from Denver.