Alum is a compound used in many things but it depends on the quantity of alum you need to use. 2 ounces of alum is often sold in the spice section of many grocery stores. Check with your local nutrition stores, they may have larger quantities or there are many online retailers as well. You can find more information here:
YOU CAN BUY POTASSIUM ALUM OR ALUM IN BANGALORE ATKumar Stores9Cosmetic and Beauty Supply Stores in Bangalore22223365, 22105107, 9845027808#28 Ganigarpet, Avenue Road , Bangalore
There are better products for cold sores than alum. However, you can buy alum in the spice department in most grocery stores.
We have bulk supplies at
when we buy alum from market then what should be its composition of moisture and solid content
unfortunately no
Alum can be purchased in a one pound package. It is a granulated powder that is used in pickling recipes, papermaking, dying and coloration.
Its listed in Amazon and some pharmacists will supply as well.
Alum can be purchased at local pharmacies, health food stores, or online retailers in Oahu, Hawaii. You can also check with specialty cooking stores to see if they carry alum for food-related uses.
The address of the Alum Creek is: Fuquay Creek, Alum Creek, 25003 0530
Alum is a spice for food.