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Ideally you would have a team of three to do a proper logroll. If you do, follow these steps:

  1. One person holds the casualty's head between their hands, with their left hand on the right side of the head and their right hand on the left. This allows them to keep steady control of the head during the roll. Once this person takes hold of the head, they must keep the head absolutely still with regard to spinal cord movement and they CANNOT let go until the logroll is complete (although it is strongly recommended that the head-holder never lets go until the casualty is fully backboarded, in a tactical situation this may not be possible)
  2. The other two people get on the same side of the person (coordinate with the head-holder as to which side so that they know how to cross their arms in step 1) - you will be rolling the person towards you so make sure you have space
  3. Raise the casualty's arm closest to you (the two rollers) so that it is fully extended above their head (as though the casualty were raising their hand high to ask a question)
  4. The roller closest to the casualty's head places one hand on the casaulty's far shoulder and one hand on the far hip
  5. The second roller places one hand just above the casualty's far hip and their other hand on the casualty's far knee
  6. The person holding the head will count to three aloud. On three, the two rollers will slowly and smoothly roll the casualty's back towards them - (pulling their arms inwards) IN COORDINATION WITH the head-holder - until the casualty is fully on their back

I strongly suggest you get hands-on training for this before attempting it.

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Q: When rolling an unconscious casualty onto his back which parts of his body should you support in case there is a spinal injury?
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