2 oclock in the morning
10 am
7:30 pm
A good time for a 12 year olds bedtime would be around half ten.
8 o clock, maybe. Depends on the time they need to get up for school. 9 year olds could probably benefit from 10 hours sleep.
I think that the time that a 11 year old should go to bed is 8:30ish 9:00
i think about 9:30 is a good bed time for 9 or 10 year old
The DSS policy on 5 year olds and 2 year olds involves regulation of day care centers.
first you give him or her a bath then you read them a bedtime story them you sing them a lulabye to put them to sleep if there small you rock them to sleep you should rock side to side
7-8 pm for an average of 10 hours of sleep
not two year olds they have to be like 7
No it's ok for a 11 year olds.