There is not set age for when a doctor is suggested to retire. The rule of thump is always that a doctor must retire when old age effects his or her performance.
i think it depends on hopw experienced an anesthesiologist is!!
Some of the physical requirements for an anesthesiologist are having good vision, hearing, and be able to work long hours. An anesthesiologist be detail oriented and be able to handle stress.
no there isnt
An anesthesiologist in Minneapolis can make anywhere from $207,000 to $327,600, the typical salary is $267,000.
An Anaesthetist or Anesthesiologist is a Doctor therefore it's MD. He/She went to Medical School and then specialized in Anesthesiology. An Anesthesiologists' name is usually written out as follows: Dr. Jane A. Doe, MD Anesthesiologist
the positive aspects of being an anesthesiologist are, good pay, satisfaction of helping others and doing the better for society.
another job being payed more than an anesthesiologist
The medical doctor who provides anesthesia is an anesthesiologist. (also anesthetist)(The chiefly UK spelling is anaesthesiologist / anaesthetist.)
"The average salary for an anesthesiologist in China would be Between 100,000 and 400,000. China is a well developed Country, and very prosperous as well. There salaries can even range higher then an anesthesiologist in America."
Anesthesiologist Nurse