In 2010 Psychiatrists make an average income of around $212,973 a year. This can be more or less depending on their specialty, where they work, and location (different states vary) psychiatrists who are "locum" tend to make more once they get established into an office of their own, instead of working under someone else. An experienced wage of a successful psychiatrist who has their own office like this may be up to $200,000 or more a year. It also depends on experience level, Psychiatrist that have 5 or few years of experience make an average of $198,100 and those with more than 10 years experience make an average of $203,375.
The yearly salary of clinical psychiatrist will probably be near the make of a regular psychiatrist about 177,000-189,500 a year depending on where in the United States you live.
Your yearly salary would be $17,316.00
The yearly pay of a psychiatrist in the UK is around 24,000 pounds for entry level. A psychiatrist with consultant status earns around 70,000 to 90,000 pounds a year.
A psychiatrist's annual yearly income ranges from $168,251 to $248,195
You would make $125,376 Salary if you worked in Maryland.
Divide your yearly salary by 12 to get your monthly salary.
What is the average yearly salary for a nurse?
They get $51,000 yearly as their salary.
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Yearly salary: $400000.
The yearly salary for a dentist can vary depending on factors such as experience and location. In the United States, the median yearly salary is $145,240.
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