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They would not live vary long. enzymes break things down like nutrients in the body. Your saliva is an example of an enzyme. Without enzymes your body couldn't break down the things that it needs to in order for it to survive.

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Q: What would happen to an organism with defective enzymes?
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What would happen to the cellular respiration process of the enzyme for one step of the process was missing or defective?

It would cause the reaction to occur at a much slower rate, because all enzymes do is speed up the reaction.

What would happen if the enzymes stopped functioning?

it will be explosive

What would happen if enzymes were not presented in the human body and other living things?

Without enzymes, biochemical reactions in living organisms would be extremely slow or not occur at all. This would lead to a breakdown in essential processes such as digestion, metabolism, and energy production, ultimately causing the organism to die. Enzymes play a crucial role in speeding up chemical reactions and maintaining life processes.

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It would depend on which organ and what defect.

What would happen without enzyms?

Without enzymes your body would process more slowly.

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i don't think anything good or bag will happen to the other organism..

Would happen if cells had no enzymes?

Enzymes are protein in cells that lower the energy of a reaction. Without enzymes, reactions would need more energy than the body can make. This would cause death of the cells.

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it would die

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It would fall over..

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If an organism is taken out of a foodweb then it effects the whole web.

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the synthesis of enzymes would stop

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