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It depends on the purpose. For some procedures like setting a dislocated shoulder it's a combination of Fentanyl (a narcotic) and Versed (a benzodiazepine); at other times it's just Propofol which is also a narcotic. For patients suffering from acute chest pain it's not uncommon to administer Morphine because it calms the patient and decreases the pre-load and after-load on the heart. For pure agitation or acute alcohol withdrawal they'll usually administer an IV benzodiazepine such as Ativan or Diazepam. For larger combative patients it's usually impossible to obtain IV access; in that case I recommend a combination of Haldol 10mg, Ativan 2 mg, and Benadryl 50mg IM.

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Q: What was the sedation medicine they put into IV at the emergency room?
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Where to Install Emergency Light Fittings?

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