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SIX days of diarrhea for any child, espedially a 4-year old, should be checked out by a doctor IMMEDIATELY. The child could suffer severe dehydration and that is NOT GOOD. Ask your doctor for an appointment RIGHT AWAY, and ask if you should give your child fluid such as "Pedialyte" to replenish vital fluids and also ask if you should give him anti-diarrhea medicine in the mean time. He needs to be seen by a doctor RIGHT AWAY. I agree with all the things above. After TWO days take him to the doctor. Get a sterile pot, or boil one out yourself and take a sample with you for testing.

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Q: What treatments should you use for your 4-year-old son who has had diarrhea for 6 days without other symptoms like dehydration or fever and should you worry?
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There are many illnesses associated with dehydration and diarrhea. Usually when a person has diarrhea they get dehydrated, so the root cause is going to be what the diarrhea is from. That can be from the flu to a stomach virus to food poisoning.

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Symptoms depend on the kind of gastroenteritis. Generally most gastroenteritis are accompanied with these common symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, and low grade fever. The intensity of these symptoms depends on the severity and type of gastroenteritis.

Can diarrhea make you feel nauseous and dizzy?

Yes, diarrhea can lead to dehydration, which can cause symptoms such as nausea and dizziness. Loss of electrolytes and essential nutrients during diarrhea can also contribute to these symptoms. It is important to stay hydrated and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.

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What are the symptoms of salmonellosis?

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