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The most high paid surgeons well there really isn't any right answer because it depends how good of a doctor you are but the top most paid specialties would be , heart surgeon , brain surgeon and probably a plastic surgeon because it is very popular now a days.


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13y ago

It depends, how good of a surgeon you are. You also shouldn't be going into it for the money, if your really serious about the medical field you should go into it because you have a passion for it. It takes a very long time to become any kind of physician especially a surgeon. It takes 4 years for college, 4 years med school and 3-7 years residency depending on the type of surgeon you wish to become. So for becoming a fully board certified surgeon it takes on average about 12 to 15 years. I would have to say Orthopedic, Vascular, and Plastic surgeons make the most. If your a very busy orthopedic surgeon you can make up to $1,000,000 a year! Vascular surgeons work on the veins and blood passageways. They make about $700,000 dollars a year! Plastic surgeons on average make $400,000 dollars a year although plastic surgeons working in California make about four million a year because of high demand of the celebrities and people who are trying to become celebrities. Anyways I hope I helped answer you question! Good luck if you do follow the path to becoming a surgeon!

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10y ago

A general surgeon : operates on most of the major organs. such as liver, inestines, etc.

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14y ago

a general surgeon makes an upwards of $250,000, but some cardiothoracic and plastic-reconstructive surgeons earn well over $400,000

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15y ago

Neuro Surgeon's is the most paid - Pradeep Reddy.

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Plastic Surgeon

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a plastic surgeon

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Plastic surgeons

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Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Orthopedic surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons Nope, Neurosurgeons spent more time in school, work the longest hours and make the most. Even in Midwestern State and cities where people don't make the kind of money they'd make in a major East cost city, neurosurgeons still can 600000 dollars and more.

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Plastic surgeons, heart surgeons, and brain surgeons all make the most salary out of doctors.

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Plastic surgeons, they can charge as they please

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defiantly Nero surgeon of heart surgery Nero has to deal with brain. Which is one of deal with the of the most important parts of your body. Heart is pretty obvious.... Nero: 100,000$-400,000$ Heart: 100,000$-450,000$ hope this helped!

How much money do brain surgeons make per year in California?

50000 ud

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