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Rinse your eyes thoroughly with water for 15 minutes. Milk, preferably skim, will also help. This is my advice from experience.

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Q: What should you do if you get carbamide peroxide in you eyes from ear drops Lots of it?
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Can hydrogen peroxide be used for a sore throat?

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Hydrogen is found in lots of thing. Water contains hydrogen as does hydrogen peroxide.

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The best cushioning for eggs is bubble wrap or lots and lots of used papers! Hope this help

If You think you are getting sick what can you do?

My grandmother always used to tell me when you feel a scrathy throat or even stuffy nose pu 1-2 drops of peroxide in your ear. I always thought she was crazy, However it does help for colds. Also load up on vitamin C and drink lots of fluids, I'm sure that will do the trick.

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try drinkin lots of water or put a few drops of eyedrops in there

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Lots and lots and lots mwahahha

What causes hydrogen peroxide to bubble?

The reason why it foams or bubble is because blood and cells contain an enzyme called catalase. Since a cut or scrape contains both blood and damaged cells, there is lots of catalase floating around. When the catalase comes in contact with hydrogen peroxide, it turns the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2). H2O2 --> H2O + O2 The reason why it foams or bubble is because blood and cells contain an enzyme called catalase. Since a cut or scrape contains both blood and damaged cells, there is lots of catalase floating around. When the catalase comes in contact with hydrogen peroxide, it turns the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2). H2O2 --> H2O + O2

What are two uses for hydrogen peroxide?

There are lots of uses for that little brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide. It is cheap, widely available and safe to use for the environment.From washing cloths, to brushing your teeth, gargle like mouthwash, for ear infection the list goes on and onSome alternative therapies suggest to drink little dose of hydrogen peroxide as a source of oxygennote that ONLY food grade hydrogen peroxide is considered safe to use internally.