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Coral is used by almost all cultures for its healing powers. Red coral is believed to be useful in relation to blood, it is supposedly calming in anger, hatred, and jealousy. Black coral is used in the West Indies to protect from harm. Pink coral is healing, pleasurable, and soothing. White coral is used to regulate the earth-body rhythms. It is generally believed that coral worn against the skin will warn the wearer of illnesses by turning lighter. Because of its calming effects it is often used to treat emotional or mental illnesses. It is best to wear coral in its natural state to get the full benefits.

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Q: What power does coral jewelry have?
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Related questions

How strong is coral jewelry compared to other jewelry?

Coral jewelry is a lot softer then other jewelry. Since it is softer than other jewelry, It can get scratched up easier so you need to keep it in a jewelry box by itself.

Why are coral articles not appropriate?

Coral is a living organism, and harvesting coral for jewelry is not environmentally responsible.

What do humans do with coral?

The main purposes are jewelry and household decorations.

Why is the use of coral jewelry controversial?

because ur ugly

What is coral used for?

There may be more, but it is used for eye implants and jewelry.

Why do people use coral for jewelry?

Because it's pretty and people tend to appreciate that when they are in a shop. It's a hard substance that can be cut and shaped and customers can ignore the fact that it came from a living organism. It's a shame that people who won't wear fur or ivory will still wear coral. let me get this straight. people like the coral on there fingers, that is impossible I've never heard of that. people don't use coral as jewelry.

This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal?

The organic gem you are referring to is likely "red coral," which is a deep red secretion produced by certain species of marine coral polyps. Red coral is highly valued for its beauty and is commonly used in jewelry making.

Would banning coral jewelry harm anyone?

It may damage the business of some jewellers, but this is not likely to be a major concern for any other than those who specialise in coral jewellery.

Are there any stores that sell jewelry boxes near Las Vegas?

Sue's Jewelry Box & Gifts store in North Las Vegas has several nice jewelry boxes and other gifts. They are located at 2714 Coral Cliffs Court in North Las Vegas.

What is the berbers jewerly?

Berber jewelry refers to traditional jewelry worn by the Berber people, an ethnic group indigenous to North Africa. This jewelry is known for its intricate designs, often incorporating silver, coral, amber, and other materials. Each piece of Berber jewelry may have symbolic meanings or be worn for protection or ceremonial purposes.

What illegal practices destroy the coral reef?

Illegal practices that can destroy coral reefs include illegal fishing methods like dynamite or cyanide fishing, pollution from untreated sewage or chemicals, and illegal coral harvesting for the aquarium trade or use in jewelry. These practices can harm coral reefs by damaging the coral structure, disrupting the ecosystem balance, and reducing the resilience of the reef to environmental stressors.

Where is the legislative power of maldives lie?

Pieces of broken coral reefs mainly.