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Q: What position has the patient lying on the side with one leg bent and brought forward?
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A patient lying horizontally on his belly is in the?

The medical term for a patient lying on his belly is the prone position. The opposite of the prone position is supine, or the patient lying flat on his back.

A patient lying horizontally on his belly is in what position?

The patient is in the prone position.

What plane does a patient move in when going from anatomical position to supine?

When a patient moves from anatomical position to supine, they are moving from the upright position facing forward to lying on their back. This movement occurs in the sagittal plane, as it involves flexion at the hips and knees to transition from standing to lying down.

A patient lying horizontally on his belly in the position?


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Does medical terminology change when patient is lying face down?

It does not change; the directional terms are given in relation to the anatomical position, not the patient position.

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What patient is lying face upwards?

supine position , sometimes called the recumbent position, is on the back, face upward.

What position should a patient never be in when having blood drawn?

Sitting or lying down

What is the lithotomy position?

Patient is lying on back with the feet and legs raised and supported in stirrups

If a patient is lying on his back face upward he's in which position?

On the back, face up is called a supine position. The opposite is called the prone position.

Is the body recumbent in anatomical position?

No, in anatomical position the body is standing upright, facing forward, with arms at the sides and palms facing forward. "Recumbent" refers to lying down or reclining.