ibuprofen and Tylenol work well
also there are these Q-tip type things you can get at Walgreen's from the brand ORA-GEL they get rid of tooth aches instantly. I used them when i was going to have a root canal. They work
There are many good remidies for toothache but I find that a simple Panadol Pill does the trick.
Another way which works but you need to be able to tolerate the taste is to use the hurting tooth to chew a paracetamol in your mouth. My dad does it and it tastes gross like Isaid but the pain releif is instant
If you can get your hands on it the VERY BEST PAIN PILL OF SORT IS POWERED COCAINE just rub it on your gum by what tooth that hurts and it will get rid of ANY tooth ache no matter how bad it hurts and the pain will be gone for many hours. COCAINE IS THE VERY BEST you can ever get for tooth ache pain. Ask any Dr. he will tell you nothing is any better then COCAINE . You can rub it on or mix it with a little water & shoot it in your gum for faster & deeper pain relief. You can even use street crack just mix it with lemmon juice to break it down back to reg. cocaine and put it on your gums. If you don't mix it with juice first it won't work cause it will not get in your skin it will go to your gut & may do some harm to you. So everyone be carefull out there & use it safe . Don't use more then a 1/4 gram at a time. A quarter is pleanty for two times of tooth pain. A little go's a long way. Your PDR know it all
When talking about a toothache , the best person who can answer all your concern is the dentist.
birth control
If for some reason sex exacerbates the pain of your toothache or something like that, then it's probably best to hold off until the toothache has dissipated. However, there aren't any related serious medical problems that can arise from having sex with a toothache.
The Alligator's Toothache was created in 1962.
Yes if you have a toothache can they still do sergury inside your mouth?
it is best to take these pills early in the am because they are suppose to give you energy
Yes, usually when you have a toothache because of the nerves it does affect the ear.
by saying jesus christ for mercy sake take away this toothache
Toothache - 1913 was released on: USA: 9 May 1913
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