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Eustachian tube or Auditory tube

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Q: What part of the ear is not related to hearing?
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What part of the ear has nothing to do with the hearing?

the flashy part

What is the main part of ear concerned with hearing?

you open your ear to do a poo

What part of the inner ear is responsible for hearing?

Cochlea is the part of inner ear, which detects sound waves.

What is the otic region?

The otic region refers to the area around the ear. It includes the structures related to hearing and balance, such as the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, and associated nerves. This region is important for both hearing and maintaining equilibrium.

What impact does an otoplasty have on hearing?

Otoplasty is not done to correct hearing difficulties related to the structures of the middle and inner ear.

What part of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance?

In the mammalian ear the sensory receptors (hair cells) for hearing are in the cochlea and for ballance are in the semicircular canals. Both the cochlea and semicircular canals are part of the inner ear.inner

What is the coiled part of the ear that contains the organ of hearing called?


Which part of the ear has nothing to do with hearing?

The outer ear, consisting of the earlobe and ear canal, has no direct role in hearing. Its main function is to collect sound waves from the environment and channel them towards the middle and inner ear where the process of hearing takes place.

What part of the inner ear does not play a part in hearing?

semi-circular canals. These are just for balance

What part of the ear is protected when wearing ear defenders?

Well, ear defenders will sit over your whole ear protecting all of it. But the part that's important to protect is the inner ear, that's where the actual hearing takes place.

What is the mechanism of of hearing?

The most visible part of the ear is called the outer ear wich sticks out where other people can see it.

What is the diiference between regular hearing aids and open ear hearing aids?

Open fit ear hearing aids are extremely small and nearly invisible to an observer. Essentially, open ear hearing aids are small units that sit up on top of and behind your ear. here is no earmold to occlude the ear canal when open fit hearing aids are worn - the clear tube is extremely thin and leaves the canal open. The biggest benefit to open fit digital hearing aids is that they minimize occlusion. Open ear hearing aids sit up high on your ear and are placed in the back of your ears. They do not block the ear canal, contrary to traditional hearing aids.