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Raises your eyebrows for a questioning expression?

corrugator supercilii

Occipito-frontails - found at the top of the forehead.

The muscles covering the scalp are commonly known as the epicranial muscles. These muscles include the occipitalis, frontalis, and the temporoparietal muscles. All of the epicranial muscles help in the moving of the eyebrow. However, the occipital part of the epicranial muscles draw the scalp in a backwards motion and the frontalis helps to raise the eyebrow.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It seems that it either takes one muscle (the Occipitofrontalis) OR two (the Frontalis and the Occipitalis) to lift the eyebrow, depending on what source you choose to listen to.

The Occipitofrontalis is a term used by some to describe a muscle of the human body, with two parts: the "occipital" part/belly, and the "Frontal" part/belly.

Other sources consider the Occipitofrontalis to be a structure consisting of two distinct muscles, the Frontalis and the Occipitalis.

The medial margins of the Frontales are joined together for some distance above the root of the nose; but between the Occipitales there is a considerable, though variable, interval, occupied by the galea aponeurotica.

Its medial fibers are continuous with those of the Procerus; its immediate fibers blend with the Corrugator and Orbicularis oculi; and its lateral fibers are also blended with the latter muscle over the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. From these attachments the fibers are directed upward, and join the galea aponeurotica below the coronal suture.

The Frontalis is thin, of a quadrilateral form, and intimately adherent to the superficial fascia. It is broader than the Occipitalis and its fibers are longer and paler in color. It has no bony attachments

The Occipitalis, thin and quadrilateral in form, arises by tendinous fibers from the lateral two-thirds of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, and from the mastoid part of the temporal. It ends in the galea aponeurotica.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

the frontallis

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Frontalis Muscle

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orbicularis oculi

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Q: What muscle is used to raise your eyebrows for questioning expression?
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