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Q: What measurement is used to measure x rays?
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What scientist took x-rays of DNA Crystals that were used by Watson and Crick to measure?

Maurice Wilkins

What is Roentgen in radiation?

A unit of measure of dosage of x-rays.

What dual x-ray is used as low exposure radiographic measurement of the hips and spine to measure bone density?


How do you determine the velocity of an electron?

X-rays are reflected by electrons. The shift in frequency/wavelength of the reflected X-ray compared to the original X-ray (Doppler effect) can be used to measure the speed of the electrons.

Which x rays are best used to penetrate the body?

Primary rays are the best to penetrate Low wavelength

Gamma rays and x rays are useful when used in?

Well , Gamma rays and X rays are both harmful and destructive in nature , but have significant advantages. 1. Gamma rays can destroy cancer cells and can treat cancer patients. 2. X rays can be used to check the human body for fracture , to treat the patient.

Are x-rays used for teeth?


What is the branch of radiology dealing with the use of x rays?

The use of X-rays is classed as radiography. This can be low energy x-rays for diagnostic purposes, or very high energy x-rays used for therapeutic purposes in Oncology (Radiotherapy)

Can X-rays see through tin containers?

X-rays can penetrate tin. Lead is usually used for x-ray shielding.

What are X words related to holocaust?

X-rays, they were used at Auschitz

What has the author Alfred Kemper written?

Alfred Kemper has written: 'Wear measurements by means of [gamma]-X-fluorescence' -- subject(s): Gamma rays, Industrial applications, Measurement, Mechanical wear, X-rays 'Chemie'

What radiation is not used for communication?

Gamma rays, x-rays, UV radiation and so on.