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Eggshells are a good substitute for teeth, because there both made up of similar stones like material that is made up of calcium. Eggshells are calcium carbonate, and teeth enamel is calcium phosphate. Which make both them composites, because they are both not pure calcium.

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Q: What material is similar to that of a tooth?
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Hardest material in the human body?

Tooth enamel.

Why did your shark tooth fossil turn your fingers purple?

I Don`t know, Why?, I would think it was from the material the tooth was found in, the material may have a lot of titanium oxides in around the area the tooth was found, though only if the tooth was from the sands of the beaches of Florida. Very interesting to hear this about a fossil.

How do fillings work?

Fillings work by replacing decayed or damaged tooth structure with a material like amalgam or composite resin. The material is shaped to match the natural tooth structure and helps to restore the tooth's function and prevent further decay. Fillings can also help to strengthen the tooth and prevent sensitivity or pain.

How do you spell files?

The spelling "filing" is organizing files, or scraping with a file (verb to file).The similar word is "filling" (verb to fill), also the material inside a pie, or a tooth repair.

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why should the arnalgam used in dental fillings have the same average cofficient of expansion as a tooth what would occur if they were mismatched?

he reason why dental amalgam (a mixture of metals used in dental fillings) should have the same coefficient of expansion as a tooth is because the coefficient of expansion is a measure of how much a material will expand or contract when exposed to changes in temperature. If the coefficient of expansion of the dental amalgam is different from that of the tooth, it can cause problems. If the coefficient of expansion of the dental amalgam is greater than that of the tooth, the filling will expand more than the tooth when exposed to heat, and this can cause the tooth to crack or fracture. Similarly, when the filling contracts more than the tooth when exposed to cold, it can cause the tooth to become loose or fall out. On the other hand, if the coefficient of expansion of the dental amalgam is less than that of the tooth, the filling will not expand as much as the tooth when exposed to heat, and this can cause the filling to become loose or fall out. Similarly, when the filling contracts less than the tooth when exposed to cold, it can cause the tooth to crack or fracture. Therefore, it is important for the coefficient of expansion of the dental amalgam to be as similar as possible to that of the tooth in order to prevent these problems from occurring. In order to achieve this, dentists use a special type of dental amalgam that is specially formulated to have a coefficient of expansion that is similar to that of the tooth.𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘴://𝘸𝘸𝘸.𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦24.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘳/372576/𝘮𝘶𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪/

What is the process of tooth bonding?

Tooth bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to a tooth and then using a special light to harden or bond the material to the tooth. The resin is then shaped and polished to match the natural teeth. This procedure is often used to repair chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth.

What do you use to represent a tooth?

something plastic which goes similar or a small stone.

What material attaches the periodontal membrane to the tooth?

The periodontal ligament attaches the tooth to the surrounding alveolar bone. This ligament is a fibrous connective tissue that helps support the tooth and allows for slight movement during chewing or other forces applied to the tooth.

What must the assistant do prior to a composite procedure this can take place before the anesthetic is given?

The assistant should look at the color of the tooth and pick a shade for the composite material. The shade of the material should match the tooth, especially if it is in the front of the mouth.

What is softest material in the human body?

Dentin, found beneath tooth enamel and within the pulp of the tooth, is the softest material in the human body.

What is the density of a tooth?

The density of a tooth can vary depending on its composition and type. On average, human teeth have a density ranging from 2.5 to 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter. This density is similar to that of bone tissue.