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Q: What literary is a searching glance that seemed to pry into your heart and probe its wounds?
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Can you clean a ball python's wounds with alcohol swabs?

this morning he escaped from his cage and the weight on the cover fell with him and cut him. i cleaned the wound with alcohol swabs. it seemed to sting at first but now he's fine.

What should you do if you hurt a guy you like?

Most of all apologize from the bottom of your heart. Treat his wounds, be it mental or physical ones, i.e. comfort him. Tell him either you didn't mean it as it seemed or it's ok that things are as they are.

What were the wounds or where were the wounds on Jesus' body as He was on the cross?

Yes there were wounds. He was pierced by the side.

When was From These Wounds created?

From These Wounds was created in 2004.

What wounds do soldiers get?

Most likey bullet wounds

What kind of wounds are Punctures?

They are deep, narrow wounds

What are velocity wounds also called?

Missile wounds

What is the duration of The Wounds?

The duration of The Wounds is 1.72 hours.

How would you use wounds in a sentence?

He nursed his wounds.

What Act III scene ii of Julius Caesar when the crowd sees Caesar's body what makes them angry?

(Apex) His stab wounds.

What type of wounds do bullets make?

Missile, or velocity, wounds

Are wounds preventable?

Most actions that result in wounds are preventable