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You would usually go to your doctor and have them send you to a plastic surgeon. A Pathologist will do a biopsy to be sure it isn't cancerous (and they generally aren't.)

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Q: What kind of doctor should you see if you are 32 and developed a lump on your forehead about 10 years ago and want to have it removed?
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it might just be a coincidence, but you should see a doctor about it

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If a person has a lump on their forehead, they should see a doctor. This is especially true is the lump is not the result of an injury, but just suddenly appeared. If it is injury related, it should go away within a week. Going to the hospital will rule out a concussion.

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If you have a high forehead, no way. If you have a medium height forehead, have a little think before you do, and if you have a low forehead, go for it! (a hairdresser can tell you what kind of forehead you have.)

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you should, or it could get infected i would recommend going to the doctor to get it removed in an operation should only be about an hour

Can you get skin cancer removed from your body?

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