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The most common reason for seeing blood on your stool is a bleeding hemorrhoid. Stool softeners or more fiber in the diet can relieve constipation so there is less strain on the anal area.

Also depending on the foods you've eaten recently, like tomatoes and such, can cause bright red colored bloodin your stool. Give it at least 18 hours to clear out of your system.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know if it is just a hemorrhoid or something much more serious. Only your doctor or a gastroenterologist can find the true cause.

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10y ago

The first doctor you would see is a primary care or emergency room doctor to confirm the findings of blood in the stool. Once confirmation is made, the doctor will refer you to a proctologist.

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12y ago

Take a history for "red flag" signs (age, medication use, weight loss, family history, etc). Discuss related symptoms (stomach pain, joint or other pain leading to frequent NSAID use, bleeding elsewhere, fatigue, constipation/diarrhea, recent travel, etc.)

Usually labwork to include at least a hemoglobin or hematocrit (to see if blood loss is enough to cause anemia). Depending on age and situation, the health care provider will usually do a rectal exam and guaiac test.

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13y ago

You may first need to schedule a visit with your general physician or your family physician (if you have one). And then if there are any complications He/She will refer you to a proctologist.

"A proctologist is a specific kind of specialist hemorrhoids doctor, that works with the anorectal canal and subsequent structures. In other words, if it has to do with your hemorrhoids, this is probably the hemorrhoids doctor that will be looking at it..."

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12y ago

Dentist WRONG You must see your physician and ask for a referral to see a proctologist this may hurt been there a scope is used right up you know where that is how it is determined whether they are internal, external you could actually feel. In either case external could be removed extremely painful but, internal only they can be banded still hurts and the band falls of. The physician is going to give you a mild sedative supposed to work IT DOES NOT there is an ultrasound that you could look at at least there was one for me so I could see the entire internal organ acutally extremely interesting hope this helps.

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11y ago

If anyone finds blood in their stool they should go to the doctor immediately so that the doctor can make sure that isn't anything significant and that it isn't caused by something that can be treated at present so it doesn't get out of control and can't be treated.

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12y ago

Start with your primary care provider, as the next step will depend on testing done there. If you have already been diagnosed with blood in your stool with your primary care provider, ask that office which type of specialist you should see next.

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Q: What kind of doctor do you see for hemorrhoids?
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What kind of doctor specializes in hemorrhr0ids?

A proctologist specializes in hemorrhoids.

What doctor deals with hemorrhoids?

A general practitioner (family doctor), a dermatologist (skin doctor) or a proctologist (ass doctor)

When to see a dr for hemroids?

You should see a doctor for hemorrhoids if you experience severe pain, bleeding, or if your symptoms do not improve with over-the-counter treatments. It's also important to seek medical advice if you have recurrent hemorrhoids or if you have other health conditions that may be impacted by your hemorrhoids.

What kind of sickness could you have if you have mildly bloody stool?

It could be anything from harmless hemorrhoids and fissure to inflammatory bowels disease, cancer, blood clotitng problems, or others. You should go see your doctor.

My bum hole is bleeding what is the problem?

Bleeding from the rectum can have various causes, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or more serious conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer. It is important to see a doctor for an evaluation and proper diagnosis to determine the cause of the bleeding and appropriate treatment.

Why is there blood in your bowel movement?

This could be a sign of a lot of different sickness'. you need to go see a doctor if this persists. If i is bright red it could be hemorrhoids or polyp's. but it cold be a lot of different things.

How do you get your doctor to remove your hemorrhoids?

this is surgery and should be discussed with your physician

Where can a doctor that treats hemorrhoids be found?

If you are showing the symptoms of hemorrhoids you should likely contact your family doctor. They will give you home-treatments and will direct you Gastroenterologist if medical treatment or surgery is necessary.

How can one treat hemorrhoids?

Ummm, doggies don't get hemorrhoids. Humans are the only ones lucky enough.

What does it mean to bleed bloodclots with a bowel movement?

You need to see a doctor right away. Bleeding from the colon can be harmless or very dangerous, from hemorrhoids to cancer.

Is there a picture of hemorrholds?

Pictures or images of hemorrhoids can be found in medical books or a doctor can provide one. Hemorrhoids is a condition that is uncomfortable to have and can be either internal or external.

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You should see a dermatologist