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The facility I work in has an Industrial Health and Safety department and an Emergency Services group..both have drawn employees from the Fire, Rescue and EMT areas..this is not the only plant I have been employed at that has a full time responder on duty with each shift..

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Q: What jobs are available at an industrial plant for emt?
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Related questions

Where are EMT jobs available?

EMT jobs are available at most hospitals if you apply. Also, you can try to contact your local fire department, or if you know any paramedics, then contact their bosses.

Where can I search for a good EMT job?

If you would like a job as an EMT you should first type a resume. Then you can go to your local unemployment office and apply for EMT jobs. You can also go to your state website and apply for available EMT jobs.

Where can I find emt jobs that are available for hire?

To find a job on emt, you should go to this site It will be easier for you if you already have an EMT certification and you can have a good work.

What kinds of EMT jobs are available?

EMT jobs, also known as Emergency Medical Technician jobs, are closely related to the health services field. One can work as a paramedic, medic assistant or technician.

Where can I find listings for EMT jobs?

There are a number of sites that have listings for EMT jobs. 'Career Builder', 'emt-resources', 'Job Target', '911 Hot Jobs' and 'EMS1' all have such listings.

Where can I find available emt jobs online?

When you are looking for an emt job the best place to look would be the job sites. Some will let you upload your CV so employers can find you. Others let you browse the emt job section to help you find something in your area.

Where can I find a list of all available EMT jobs?

Careerbuilder dot com, Monster dot com, Y ahoo Jobs Dot Com as well as Jobba dot com are all excellent sources for searching for EMT job openings. If this does not work then one may contact their local recruiting agent as well.

Where can I find a website with emt job listings?

EMT jobs are listed in many different places. A broad list can be found on Monster and Career Builder. There can also be jobs listed on individual companies websites.

What jobs can you do with an EMT-B?

EMT's can do other jobs with their certification, but not many. Some hospitals will hire EDT's (Emergency Department Tech's) which use your EMT knowledge in a hospital setting. They will give you additional training based on what they would like you to be able to do outside the scope of the EMT practice. You may also get a job on a transport truck, which is an EMT which does not run emergency calls. You will get scheduled routine transferred (such as taking a patient to doctor visits, home from the hospital, etc.)

Where can one find some EMT works?

If one is looking to find employment as an EMT there are a wide range of job sites that have listings for EMT positions. One can find these jobs on sites such as Indeed, CareerBuilder and Monster.

Do I have to have prior medical training in order to get an EMT Certification?

No, however you will get a lot of training in medicine in an EMT certification class. EMT jobs are generally seen as a kind of stepping stone to a health related future career.

Is there an online job bank for EMT jobs in Iowa?

There are a lot of websites that have job posting related to EMT. Just prepare your resume to be submitted online if they require, and I think they probably will.