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Wasp don't bite, they sting. Most of the time it's just painful and putting ice on the area will keep it from swelling and stinging too much. If your allergic, you may need to seek medical attention. If it swells a lot or if you have any difficulty breathing, get help.

I received a sting from a wasp today, and I found that witch hazel took allot of the pain away. It even reduced the swelling quite a bit. I had it in a spray bottle, and kept spraying the area periodically.

The reason I even thought to use this, was because I've found it to be quite effective for taking the itch out of mosquito bites. With mosquito bites, I put some on a cotton pad and rub the bite whenever it feels itchy. After a few times, the itch goes away. For me, this is quite significant because normally I'm itching for days, and usually end up with marks.

You can get witch hazel from pretty much any drug store and it's pretty cheap. This however, would only be helpful if your reaction to the wasp sting is minor.

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14y ago
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9y ago

If you get stung by a wasp and you are not allergic, you need to first remove any stingers you can see. Some recommend scraping it out with a credit card. Apply ice to the area to provide relief and take a antihistamine and pain relief. Wash the sting site with soap and water.

You can also rub aloe vera gel on the sting. Other remedies include mixing baking soda and vinegar into a paste and coating it on your skin to help draw out the venom or slicing an onion and pressing it in place to draw out the venom.

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12y ago

The easiest thing to do is to put mud on it.

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14y ago

If you are bitten by a wasp then quickly wash that area with soap or apply dilute baking soda to it or rub that part with a piece of metal.

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What causes wasp sting?

A wasp causes a wasp sting

How can wasp sting effect chemotherapy patients?

One wasp sting will usually have little effect on a person who is taking chemotherapy treatment. However, in some it can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Which is worse a wasp sting or a hover fly sting?

Well, wasp sting is more poisonous than bee sting

When will a wasp sting?

A wasp will sting when it feels threatened or scared.

What is the nature of bee sting and wasp sting?

The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.

Is coughing normal after a wasp sting?

No. coughing after a wasp sting is a sign of anaphylaxis

Is a wasp sting a base or acid?

A wasp sting is a base because it is alkali.

Do wasp bite or sting?

They sting people.

Is a wasp sting acidic?

Yes, a wasp sting contains formic acid, which is why it can cause pain, redness, and swelling when injected into the skin.

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The wasp is the one that can sting, not the nettle. The nettle itself does not sting unless it is touched or disturbed, releasing a chemical that causes a painful sensation.

What can a wasp do?


What a bee or wasp might do?

Bees collect nectar and pollen to make honey and feed their colony, while wasps hunt for insects to feed their larvae. Both insects play a vital role in pollination and pest control in the ecosystem. Wasps can also sting in defense or when threatened, while bees typically only sting when they feel threatened.