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Topimax is a drug that is registered outside of the US, mainly south along the borders of the US. It has a "brother drug" that is most recent, and that is called Topimate.

Topimax is first issued to those who have been known or diagnosed to have had or still have epilepsy. After some serious problems with the drug that was caused in the US, it was dismissed, and the "brother drug," Topimate, was introduced.

Topimax circled around those who may have missed a couple of doses or have accidentally overdosed. Sadly, the drug is powerful enough to cause anything from a stroke, heart attach, to even instant death. The government saw the problem and took care of it before anyone had any serious casualties.

Topimax also causes those who wishes to lose weight, to lose all appetite in food. When you first begin to work your way up you begin to feel the hungriest you will have ever felt, but once you hit the final step that is where most of the patients say that they lose all need to even look at food. Your throat will feel like it has become smaller, and it will even be kind of hard to drink water sometimes. Which is a must because this drug has the potential to hurt your kidneys and liver.

Though you will still have to eat, regardless of the slight pain in your throat, you will slowly start to lose your strength. If you are able to keep a normal diet then you are doing really good. Most people will slowly start to not eat this, and then skip that, and then skip breakfast totally. Its a continual process for most people.

Topimax has another side effect, and that is depression. It has caused attempted suicide so that is why it isn't really advertised in the US anymore. This will occur around 1 week after you reach the last stage. It will progress and deepen as the time goes on. I would suggest those who are thinking about going onto Topimax outside of the US or Topimate inside the US, that you find anyway possible to stay out of depression. Go somewhere, stay happy as much as possible. It is very important not to let the drug pull you down because when it does, things get worse.

You will start to find yourself constantly anxious. Like you are constantly waiting for someone to come home, and you don't know why they are not there yet, and you are just about to get mad. That feeling. Sounds will start to annoy you easier than they might have before, and actions that you didn't think would happen, like the phone suddenly ringing, will cause you to scream. Anxiety and depression runs hand in hand, and it is a hard circle to get out of, especially with this drug guarding your way out.

I have been on Topimate 200 for about a 2 weeks now, and it has been getting worse. I'm just a kid, 18, I was supposed to get a car and license. If anyone who reads this in the future just got home from watching Twilight and thinks it would be cool to never feel hungry ever again, you better think 3,000 times again before you act like you've had a seizure just to get your hands onto this drug. Weight loss should be done the healthy way, not this way. Because once your body gets used to this drug, your kind of stuck. This knowledge has been what I heard directly with my doctor and what I experienced with the loss of hunger, depression, anxiety, an so forth.

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