In the Sinoatrial Node
Bundle of His .
The compound word that begins with hear is hearsay.
Each heartbeat begins with an action potential generated at the sinoatrial node or simple call the SAnode.
Pacemaker (sinoatrial node)
The SA node begins the heartbeat and is sometimes referred to as the heart's pacemaker. The AV node are where the electrical impulses are delayed for 0.1 second before spreading to both ventricles and causing them to contract.
The electrocardiogram indicates when each heartbeat begins, triggering the cuffs to be mechanically deflated. As each heartbeat ends, the cuffs are mechanically inflated
Heartache, heartbeat, heartbreak, heartburn and heartthrob are words. They begin with the letters heart.
No, because there is no universe that begins with Earth.
How can you tell where one square structure ends and another begins
The normal heartbeat begins as an electrical impulse in the sino-atrial node (or SA node). The SA node is called the pacemaker of the heart. It is located in the R atrium, just below the entrance of the superior vena cava.