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To identify all injuries that need to be treated

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Q: What is the purpose of a secondary first aid examination?
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What are the secondary skills WOW?

The secondary skills are the ones everyone can get no matter what they have for their primary proffessions. These include: Cooking First Aid Fishing Archaelogy and technically Riding is a secondary skill.

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What is the purpose of first aid?

The purpose of the software "Registry First Aid" is to clean and fix registry errors on Windows computers. The software does an analysis of the registry and file system and will prompt the user for repairs to enhance speed.

What is the purpose of Registry First Aid?

The purpose of the software "Registry First Aid" is to clean and fix registry errors on Windows computers. The software does an analysis of the registry and file system and will prompt the user for repairs to enhance speed.

What is the purpose of the first aid guide i which is included in the first aid kit?

Well, the purpose of the First aid kit guide probably just so you can have a quick look through it if you have trained or is training to be a first aider and could help you along the way! In a lot of places such as schools, construction sites, general industries, etc. first aid treatments training are already being given to employees in case of emergencies but in those industries, first aid kits are already required. "

1965 act provided the first major federal aid for this purpose?

Education Act.

Use and purpose of a whistle in a first aid kit?

Too call for help if you cannot yell.

What the difference between gross and microscopic examination?

Gross examination is performed without the aid of magnification. Microscopic examination is performed on slides of tissue samples on the microscope.

How do you manage a first aid kit?

Once you've bought a first aid kit, the only thing to do is to replace the expired products. Do not forget to replace the product you used for first aid purpose. These can be found at a chemist. Those two simple things will keep your first aid kit complete and ready to be used at any time.

What is the purpose of the care step of the first aid?

The very first thing you do when you provide first aid is ask the person "are you ok?". not sure why but thats what your supposed to do. if there is one or more victims than start with the most serious injuries.

What is the purpose of smelling salt in first aid box?

I have no idea how it works, but it supposedly revives someone who has fainted.

Why do you think it is important to do a complete patient assessment?

You only perform a primary assessment in CPR. The primary assessment determines the immediate threats to life. The primary assessment is checking the ABC's and if there is severe bleeding. The secondary assessment is performed after threats to life are controlled. The secondary assessment is taught in First Aid.