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The top of the foot is the dorsum of the foot.

However dorsum is a synonym for top or back, therefore any body part can have a dorsum, in fact every body has a dorsum - as it is a synonym for back.The word dorsum on its own - without a qualifying "of the foot" would mean a person's back.

There is no single word for the 'top' or 'dorsum of the foot' like there is for the bottom of the foot i.e. sole. The word 'sole' represents the entire meaning "bottom of the foot", whereas if one used dorsum one would have to qualify what dorsum one was referring to - i.e. dorsum of the foot. That is probably due to common usage as one can also use sole to describe the underneath of other body parts, objects. If we had the need to refer to the top of our feet as much as we need to refer to the soles of our feet, then it is very likely that the word dorsum, like the word sole, would have no need of the qualifying "of the foot" as it would be implied and understood.

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Q: What is the pulse at the top of the foot called?
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What is the pulse on the foot?

Dorsalis pedis (top of foot) & Posterior tibial (behind ankle on inside of foot)

Why is a dorsalis pedis pulse checked?

on the top of the foot.

Where can you find the dorsal pedis pulse?

between the second and third metatarsil on the top of your foot

Pictures where pulse located?

The pulse can be located in various places on the body, including the wrist (radial pulse), neck (carotid pulse), inner elbow (brachial pulse), groin (femoral pulse), behind the knee (popliteal pulse), on top of the foot (dorsalis pedis pulse), and behind the ear (posterior auricular pulse).

Why do your feet pulse with your heart?

You have several pulse points in your body, you are probably aware of the carotid pulse in your neck and the radial pulse in your wrist. The feet also have pulse points. there are 2; the dorsalis pedis, essentially on the top of your foot as it turns into your leg, and the medial malleor, on the inside part of your ankle.

Where are the pulses taken in the lower extremities?

There are 4 pulses that are palpable on the lower extremities:femoral pulse (thigh)popliteal pulse (back of the knee)posterier tibial (behind the ankle)dorsalis pedis (top of the foot)

How long is a webbed foot gecko?

foot long pulse tail

Why do you feel your heartbeat in your ears at times?

Those are called pulse points, the contracting of the beating heart is what is being felt. It is called tactile arterial palpation and it can be felt any place that an artery can be compressed against a bone; at the wrist (radial artery) on the inside of the elbow (brachial artery), groin (femoral artery) in the neck (carotid artery) and pedal pulses in the top of the foot. The rate of the pulse is observed and measured by tactile (touching the pulse point) or visual means (observing the twitch that can be seen on the outside of an artery) and is recorded as BPM (beats per minute) or called the pulse.

How can one test their pulse rate easily?

You can check your pulse rate with a gadget or simply with counting. If you want to check your pulse rate with a machine, check Pulse rate monitors. You can wear a watch and get your pulse rate directly to the watch! You can also count it yourself. You can check it if you put your finger on these kinda places: *wrists *Inside of your elbow *Inside of your neck *Top of your foot

What are the common foot pulse locations?

the common foot pulse locations are as follows, the posterior tibial artery and the dorsalis pedia artery (or pedal artery)

Can you find a pulse on your leg?

Yes! Four different spots - Femoral pulse - at the top of your leg in the groin area in the centre of the leg Popliteal pulse - behind the knee (pretty deep so it can be difficult to feel) Anterior tibial - on the back part of the knobbly bit on the inside of your ankle Dorsalis pedis - on the top of your foot just back from your big toe

Where are the pulses of the foot?

As a very distal location, there are not many palpable pulses in foot. Thou the posterior fibular artery (which passes in the medial posterior part of your anckle) might be felt in cases of high heartbeat frequency