Transmiaaion of pathogens occurs between the external source and the receptor (new host). It occurs by several methods:
Worldwide the transmission of fecal matter in drinking water is a significant cause of pathogen transfer and related diseases. Whether this beats out malarial infections is difficult to determine. Tooth decay and colds are also very common but as they are not often lumped with deadly diseases their comparative frequency is not reported.
contamination of food during preparation
The common cold is a viral upper respiratory tract infection which mainly affects the nose. The most common pathogen are rhinoviruses.
mode is the most common
The most common name for harmful microbes is germs.
droplet transmission
puncture wounds
puncture wounds
The most common mode of transmission of TV signals are digital satellite and cable. New technologies allow transmission of signals by digital terrestrial TV, using aerial broadcasts to a conventional antenna. This provides a greater number of channels and a better picture and sound quality.
It is called the mode. An easy way to remember it is: most common-mode.
Mode: The number appearing the most common/often Example: 1, 2,3,1,1,1,5,6,7,9,12,45,68,11,1,1,1 what us the mode here? The mode is 1, it appears the most common here.