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Q: What is the main problem and solution in midwife apprentice?
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Who is the antagonist in the midwife's apprentice?

The antagonist in "The Midwife's Apprentice" is typically considered to be the character of Magister Reese, who is cruel and abusive towards the main character, Alyce. He serves as a source of conflict and stands in opposition to Alyce's growth and independence.

Who are the characters from the midwife apprentice?

Jane sharp , aylce , beetle , brat , and edward etc. those are the main characters

What Is the conflict of midwfes apprentice?

In "The Midwife's Apprentice" by Karen Cushman, the main conflict centers around the protagonist, Alyce, who struggles to find her self-worth and identity as she navigates the challenges of being an apprentice midwife. Alyce faces internal conflicts regarding her insecurities and lack of confidence, as well as external conflicts related to societal expectations and limitations placed on her because of her low social status.

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The main problem in "Island of the Blue Dolphins" is Karana's survival and isolation on the island after her tribe leaves without her. The solution comes when she befriends and forms a bond with animals on the island, learns to fend for herself, and eventually finds a way to be rescued.

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The two main solution traits are feasibility, which refers to whether the solution is practical and achievable, and effectiveness, which refers to whether the solution addresses the problem and achieves the desired outcome.

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The main idea or critical value which shows the way to reach the final solution of a problem.

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Unemployment is the main problem that we have to check it

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What is the main ideas or problem and solution of Bunnicula?

The main idea of "Bunnicula" is about a pet rabbit who may be a vampire, sucking the juice out of vegetables. The problem is the mystery surrounding Bunnicula's behavior, and the solution involves the family trying to uncover the truth while navigating comedic and suspenseful situations.

What is problem solution in literature?

In literature, a problem solution typically refers to the main conflict or issue faced by characters in a story and how it is resolved by the end. This resolution often involves the characters overcoming obstacles or challenges to reach a satisfying conclusion. The problem solution structure is a common narrative device used to engage readers and create a sense of closure in a story.

What are text structure?

The main text structures include, main idea and supporting detail, chronological order, compare and contrast, problem and solution, and cause and effect.

What is the main conflict facing the uncles in the story A Problem?

The main conflict facing the uncles in the story "A Problem" is their inability to decide on a plan of action when faced with the mysterious problem of Bridgenorth being cursed. They struggle with conflicting ideas on how to approach the situation and find a solution, leading to tension and uncertainty among them.