I saw you there standing under the mango tree
A beautiful woman who looked so fine to me
She had all the thins that I've been searching for
She had ehu hair, a flower in her ear, and bongo shorts
She's my Honey baby, my Honeybaby yeah
My Honeybaby, my Honeybaby yeah...
So girl I want you to know that wherever you go
I won't be far away
As I kiss your lips while you sway your hips
You'll just hear me say...
Me say my sweet Honeybaby yes you know I love you so
So hold on tight and baby never let go
Because you know that when you call me
I'll be there when I can
And you can count on me cause I'm your "Hawaiian Superman"
Girl I just told you how I feel for you
And every word I said, yes you know it's true
Before I go there's just one more thing, my darlin'
I give you total commitment girl with this wedding ring
Yes I want you to know that you're mine
All of the time, rain or shine
Girl you're mine... (2x)
There are many places one can find the lyrics for the song "Honey I Believe." Some examples of websites with these lyrics would be A-Z Lyrics, and Lyrics Mania.
One can find the lyrics to the song "Baby" from the following lyrics websites: AZ Lyrics, Metro Lyrics, Sing 365, Lyrics 007, Lyrics Freak, Lyrics Mania, Song Lyrics, to name a few.
To find lyrics, you can go to Rhapsody.com and search up the lyrics in the search box. On the page that shows you your search results, go to the bottom and there's a link that says "search for .......... lyrics n songs".
The lyrics for 'Baby Girl' by Sugarland can be found at a number of online resources including YouTube, EZ Lyrics and Metro Lyrics. The lyrics start 'They say this town'.
There are many songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby". One of the most popular songs that include the lyrics "Oh baby baby" is "Oops I Did It Again".
You can find the lyrics to Merry Christmas Baby by the O'Jays at the URL posted below:http://www.cmt.com/lyrics/the-ojays/merry-christmas-baby/6519083/lyrics.jhtml
The lyrics are from the song Money, Honey.
go to lyrics.com and print them out.
Having My Baby by Paul Anka.
its cowld baby baby baby boy
The song, "Honey, Honey" that appeared in Mamma Mia the Movie was just a shorter version of the full song by ABBA. Good luck with the play! :) Here are the full lyrics: Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey I'd heard about you before I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine Oh, you make me dizzy Honey honey, let me feel it, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, don't conceal it, ah-hah, honey honey The way that you kiss goodnight (The way that you kiss me goodnight) The way that you hold me tight (The way that you're holding me tight) I feel like I wanna sing when you do your thing I don't wanna hurt you, baby, I don't wanna see you cry So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high But I'm gonna stick to you, boy, you'll never get rid of me There's no other place in this world where I rather would be Honey honey, touch me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, hold me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey You look like a movie star (You look like a movie star) But I know just who you are (I know just who you are) And, honey, to say the least, you're a dog-gone beast So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high There's no other place in this world where I rather would be Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey I heard about you before I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine.
The song, "Honey, Honey" that appeared in Mamma Mia the Movie was just a shorter version of the full song by ABBA. Here are the full lyrics: Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey I'd heard about you before I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine Oh, you make me dizzy Honey honey, let me feel it, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, don't conceal it, ah-hah, honey honey The way that you kiss goodnight (The way that you kiss me goodnight) The way that you hold me tight (The way that you're holding me tight) I feel like I wanna sing when you do your thing I don't wanna hurt you, baby, I don't wanna see you cry So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high But I'm gonna stick to you, boy, you'll never get rid of me There's no other place in this world where I rather would be Honey honey, touch me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, hold me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey You look like a movie star (You look like a movie star) But I know just who you are (I know just who you are) And, honey, to say the least, you're a dog-gone beast So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high There's no other place in this world where I rather would be Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey I heard about you before I wanted to know some more And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine.