Of course, you know, the patient is regardless of sex, they are just patient.
During first sonography a doctor can answer if a a child is male or female.
Of course. If the nurse dosent feel uncomfortable with the male patient.
Yes Yes they can, but every patient should have a choice on gender care. There is nothing wrong with a female wanting a female Doctor or Female Nurse and there is nothing wrong with a Male wanting a male Doctor or a Male Nurse. It is a basic human right.
The gender of a patient means what is their biological sex - male or female.
Male and female physicians are called, 'Doctor'. There are no gender-based titles in medicine. If you mean a doctor who specializes in boys or men's private parts, then that would be a urologist. The doctor may be either male or female.
You must learn them both for the simple reason that they are not the same. What would happen if you are a doctor and a patient comes to see you about getting pregnant and all you studied was male anatomy.
The BBC chose whether the Doctor is male or female.
The Eleventh Doctor has spoken of Corsair, a Time Lord, of having had several reincarnations as both a male and female (Episode: Doctor's Wife).
It is unknown whether the Ood have genders, the Doctor refers one of the Ood as a 'he', so either they're all male, or some are female as well.
The proper salutation in English for either a medical doctor or the holder of a Ph.D. is the same for either male or female. It is simply "Doctor".
'The Real St. Nick' is the name of the Christmas movie where a female psychologist falls in love with her male patient who says he is Santa Claus.