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L-Glutathione is the same as oral glutathione, and reduced glutathione.

Maximised or maximized glutathione is not an actual product, but more of a marketing term. You will see many references to "maximized glutathione production" when it comes to advertising a particular glutathione enhancer.

In this case, maximized is not describing the type of glutathione, it is saying you will get the most glutathione production with this particular product that is being advertised.

That aside, L-glutathione, oral glutathione, and reduced glutathione all have one thing in common: they do not lead to maximised glutathione production, or any glutathione production for that matter.

You have to give your body the building blocks or precursors to make it in your cells.

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Q: What is the ifference between L-glutathione and maximised glutathione?
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