Its caled Doctor in general?nurse!every dovtor can do it! <-- wrong
An Audiologist is a doctor (though some are able to practice with MS in Audiology because they were grandfathered-in--so, those audiologists are not doctors) who administers hearing tests. Nurses are able to administer newborn hearing screenings, which don't require the nurse to do any diagnostic or interpretative functions.
The person who gives hearing test is called as an Audiologist. In Art of Hearing the audiologists are skilled at using a range of techniques and equipment to assess hearing health. Also provides free hearing check for adults.
Optician gives you eye tests and your company doctor or local GP will test your hearing if you're worried about it Hope this helps!
The name of someone who gives and completes a hearing test is an audiologist.
An audiogram is a record of hearing. It is what laypeople call a hearing test.
Most likely, but you are going to need either a doctor's prescription or have proof of a certified hearing test indicating the need to hearing aids.
The doctor is an "ENT" (ear, nose, and throat doc) or an "Otolaryngologist". His technician/grunt/slave who runs the hearing test is an Audiologist.
When you fail a drug test and it's called to your doctor to verify the meds your on. Will they tell the doctor you have failed.
The test assesses the hearing in both ears
Hearing can be tested by a tests called audiometric tests, in which the patient is subjected to sounds of varying frequency and intensity and the amount of intensity that has to be raised above the normal level for that particular frequency is plotted on a chart.By this test, the threshold of hearing by air and bone conduction can be known and also type and degree of hearing loss can be assessed. There are various other clinical tests for hearing like finger friction test, watch test, voice test (these are obsolete now) and tuning fork tests- Weber's and Rinne's test.
Doctors can test a baby for hearing about one to two months old. The doctor can use clapping hands or other noises to see if the baby responds to noise.
Non, a hearing test involves EARS not eyes.
Audiometry test is for hearing